Cavalleria lighthouse
Technical data
360 degrees
Public domain
Technical data
Latitude N
Longitude E
Nominal range
26 nautical miles
Height above sea level
94 m.
Light pattern
Group of 2 flashes every 10 seconds.
Daytime appearance
White tower and house. Height 15 m.
This is one of the four lighthouses projected by Antonio López y Montalvo and is the only one still in service together with that of Es Penjats.
It was opened in March 1, 1857 with a 2nd order optic for a fixed light manufactured by the Sautter firm. Over 700 shipwrecks had taken place in this area since the 14th Century and this continued to happen even after the opening of the lighthouse, motivating the construction of lighthouses at Punta Natí and Favàritx.
In 1911 an incandescent Luchaire lamp was installed but due to the fact that this type of lamp was not commonly employed in Spanish lighthouse it was not found simple to use.
In 1922 the old fixed 2nd order lens was replaced by a 500m focal distance 3rd order lens, the old polygonal lantern was replaced by a cylindrical lantern with curved glass and vertical fittings. The new light pattern consisted of groups of two white flashes every 10 seconds. The incandescent Luchaire lamp was replaced by the more common 85mm Chance lamp with which the Balearic Islands lighthouse keepers were much more familiar. The old olive oil burning reserve lamp was replaced by a double wick Maris lamp. The light was fuelled by petrol in the 1980s, the last lighthouse in the Balearic Islands to do so.
After the 1922 modifications a service road was specially built from Mercadal. Beforehand the only access was though private land with the landowner’s permission. However the route changed from year to year depending on the crops.
Public domain
Nearest lighthouses
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Sa Dragonera