Tramuntana lighthouse
Technical data
360 degrees
Public domain
Technical data
Latitude N
Longitude E
Nominal range
14 nautical miles
Height above sea level
67 m.
Light pattern
Group of 2 flashes every 12 seconds.
Daytime appearance
Masonry tower attached to stone building with red roof. Height 15 m.
This is the second of the two lighthouses to be built on Dragonera after the old lighthouse at Na Pòpia, built on the island’s highest peak, was abandoned.
Initially Eusebio Estada had considered the option of installing a permanent light, on a metal tower, to be attended by the staff from the lighthouse on other extreme of the island at Cap Llebeig. However finally it was decided to build a lighthouse with living quarters, following a plan drawn up by Miquel Massanet. Was opened on November 15, 1910.
As no great range was required, it was decided to use a simple single wick Maris lamp with just one lighthouse keeper responsible for its operation. In 1925 the lighthouse keeper died and his wife had to tend the light all night until one of the staff from the Llebeig light at the other end of the Island was able to come to her aid.
At the beginning of the 20th Century certain parts of the island‘s coast were frequently used for smuggling and the Llebeig and Tramuntana lighthouse keepers were often called to testify several times in court cases trials related to this felonious activity. The original lens was retired in 1960 and replaced by an automated acetylene lighting system.
The lighthouse was unmanned from 1961 onwards with the staff from the Llebeig light being responsible for its upkeep. The old lens was installed at the Porto Colom lighthouse in 1965 where it is still being used today.
Public domain
Nearest lighthouses
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Sa Dragonera