Cap Salines lighthouse
Technical data
360 degrees
Public domain
Lighthouses in sight
Technical data
Latitude N
Longitude E
Nominal range
11 nautical miles
Height above sea level
17 m.
Light pattern
Group of 2+1 flashes every 20 seconds.
Daytime appearance
White tower and houses. Height 17 metros.
Was designed by Emili Pou. Originally a 6th order lighthouse. The land where it was to be built originally belonged to the Marques del Palmer who ceded the compensation money he was owed to the State. The original catadioptric 300 mm diameter lens for fixed horizon light was built by the Parisian firm of Henri Lepaute. The lighthouse was opened on the 31st August 1863. At first two seamen were stationed at the lighthouse for crewing the supply skiff.
In 1917 an acetylene lighting system was introduced, emitting a signal of 3+1 occultations through a system of rotating clockwork panels around the lens. A dioptric drum lens was later installed and in 1957 the lighthouse’s signal pattern was modified when it was converted to electricity. 32 volt flashing devices were installed, producing a pattern of 3+1 flashes every 10 seconds. At the same time wind turbines were set up, the first of their kind in Spain but they were not a success due to shifting wind patterns and they were replaced by two generators. In 1958 the height of the tower was raised by 6.5m in order to increase its range.
In the 1980s the lighthouse became the first in Spain to be solar-powered.
Public domain
Lighthouses in sight
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