Once the 1847 General Maritime Lighting Plan had been approved, a centralised system for the maintenance of the lighthouses also became necessary. Therefore in 1851 the Lighthouse Keepers Corps (Cuerpo de Torreros de Faros) was created, establishing regulations for these government officials that over the years were reformed to come into line with social and technological changes. The first of these regulations was published in 1857.
In 1939, following a request by the keepers, the name of the organisation was changed to Mechanical Technicians for (Técnicos Mecánicos de Señales Marítimas).
In 1992 the Law for Ports and the Merchant Navy legislated the organisation out of existence..
Aspiring lighthouse keepers were required to spend a training period in a lighthouse (for periods varying over the years from 6 months to a fortnight) and then to take the corresponding examination.
Schools were also established for the training of lighthouse keepers, for example at the Torre de Hercules and Matxitxako, until the creation of the Technical Centre for Maritime Navigational Aids (Centro Técnico de Señales Marítimas) in Madrid.
Sa Dragonera